Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baby Hungry

We've been married for a year now and I am so baby hungry!! With the school year being 9 months and a pregnancy being 9 months, our plan is to be pregnant during the next school year. That gives me one more year to teach and us one more year to plow through debt. I love this plan and I can't wait until Fall!

Since I first met Lance and fell in love with him I have been under the impression that we were going to have a girl first. I've always wanted a boy first, a big brother to protect those who follow. Upon meeting Zander I felt fulfilled in that desire. With Zander turning seven this year, he will be at least eight when our baby comes. I know he will be a great big brother!

When I imagine our future children, I can't help but envision little Zanders running around. I love the idea of it!

To help ease the baby hunger and be most prepared, I took a trip to Savers to see what books I could find on the subject of pregnancy, child birth and child rearing. The trip was super successful with me finding SO many books on these subjects! I've already started reading the one on Hypno-Birthing and it is incredible. Hopefully by the time she/he arrives I will have read all of the above. Any other good books on babies/birthing that I don't have here? Please let me know if this is an incomplete collection.


Rocks In The Wash said...

Oh, I can't wait for you to become pregnant! I bet you'll be thin as ever with a beachball for a belly. Super Cute!

I hope school is going well for you; I miss seeing everyone over at Rock Canyon. I do get calls from them every once in a while, however, I'm definitely keeping myself busy at home. :)

Lizzie said...

So excited for you! Babywise is a very helpful book. You can borrow my copy if you want.