Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Grade

Our lil' guy is a 1st grader!

Before Zander arrived I approached the Lord on how to be a good mom for him. My answer was to take the talents I have and apply them on a daily basis. I'm a good teacher-so I decided that school was a necessary thing to do each day.

Zander did an excellent job this summer at school time. Each day we would do school with him; reading, writing, and math. We would practice sight word cards which he mastered all 100 (with the exception of a few) by the end of summer, read stories together, practice addition and subtraction, and write 3-4 sentences in his journal daily. Every time we did school Zander received a quarter and once he had 4 we would go to the Dollar Store. He loved it!

Zander really enjoyed learning and was so obedient during school time. It was such a blessing to watch him progress. Lance was so thrilled to see Zander grow so much in the short six weeks he was with us.

1 comment:

Rocks In The Wash said...

What a cutie he is! How was his first day?